Hello, Carroll Colts and Families!
I am excited and proud to be your Colt counselor! This will be my 7th year in education and 2nd year in Sheldon ISD. I received by bachelor's degree from the University of Houston (Go Coogs!), and my master's in education/counseling from the University of St. Thomas. While working in education, I have always emphasized the importance of social and emotional learning in the education. Teaching students the essential skills that are needed to manage their social lives and gain emotional intelligence greatly increases their potential to be successful in all aspects of life. As your counselor, I promise to prioritize the hearts and minds of our students and give them the tools they'll need for success!
Please join us in our mission to care for the WHOLE student by becoming a parent volunteer! Become one of the parents, community members, community organizations, and businesses, that help ensure that our students have all of the support they need. Your time and effort will be greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working with you!
Thank you for caring and participating!
Katrina Hamilton, M. Ed, Counseling
Counselor, H.M. Carroll Elementary School
(281)727- 4100 ext. #4118